Web Server Statistics for [my organisation]

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Host Report | Request Report)

This report contains overall statistics.

Figures in parentheses refer to the 7-day period ending 18-Feb-2009 11:11.

Successful requests: 46 (39)
Average successful requests per day: 5 (5)
Distinct files requested: 8 (7)
Distinct hosts served: 17 (15)
Corrupt logfile lines: 6,914
Unwanted logfile entries: 38,358,205
Data transferred: 5.35 megabytes (4.86 megabytes)
Average data transferred per day: 666.70 kilobytes (710.74 kilobytes)

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Host Report | Request Report)

This report lists the computers which requested files.

Listing hosts, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs %bytes host
25 52.14% mail.itc.ua
2 4.09% ferum.komanda.com.ua
2 3.43%
2 5.44% office.ifs.com.ua
2 5.44% mail.iv.ua
2 3.86% artmaster.kiev.ua
1 0.37% forge.he.net
1 2.60%
1 2.72%
1 2.63% dragonfly.machouse.kiev.ua
1 3.86% iswfwpr01.isw.intel.com
1 0.73%
1   mail.dmb-b.kiev.ua
1 3.74% nat-194-33-189-71.la.net.ua
1 2.60% mks-si-kiev.valor.ua
1 2.60% slobodyanyk-gw.sovam.net.ua
1 3.74% mail1.uatoys.net

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Host Report | Request Report)

This report lists the files on the site.

Listing files, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs %bytes last time file
14 23.97% 16/Feb/09 14:47 GET /download/ko.pdf HTTP/1.0
9 19.46% 17/Feb/09 16:29 GET /download/dfoto.pdf HTTP/1.0
8 20.07% 17/Feb/09 10:40 GET /download/ko.pdf HTTP/1.1
5 14.32% 16/Feb/09 19:44 GET /download/dpk.pdf HTTP/1.0
5 8.02% 16/Feb/09 17:59 GET /download/dpk.pdf HTTP/1.1
3 10.05% 18/Feb/09 10:33 GET /download/mobility.pdf HTTP/1.0
1 0.37% 10/Feb/09 05:22 GET /download/gameplay.pdf HTTP/1.1
1 3.74% 17/Feb/09 09:33 GET /download/mobility.pdf HTTP/1.1